Our Fees

The current recommended hourly fee as set by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) is $300 per 45 to 60 minutes session, however HGC PSYCHOLOGY have decided to provide services at a reduced fee to the APS recommendation. 

Standard psychological appointments scheduled between 9am and 4:30pm are $214 (50 minute session).  After hours appointments from 4:30pm and Saturday appointments are $230 (50 minute session). All fees are payable in full on the day of each appointment, unless clients have been granted funding by an external agency (NDIS, VCAT, TAC, Employer etc).

Please note Private Health Insurance and Medicare rebates may apply for eligible clients, although HGC PSYCHOLOGY is not a bulk billing practice. Medicare will refund a portion of the appointment fee and you will incur an out-of-pocket expense (standard psychology Medicare rebates range from $89.65 to $141.85 per appointment). To access the Medicare rebate, you will need to obtain a referral from your GP and a mental health care plan. Reduced rates are also available for those holding a valid concession or health care card.

Supervision sessions start from $185 including GST per hour for peer supervision and also for endorsement and registration supervision. Group supervision rates are negotiated depending upon your needs and number of participants.

Report writing is charged at $300 per hour. Reports will not be released until all associated fees are paid.

Cancellation Policy

At times, life happens, and you may need to reschedule or cancel your appointment. We ask that you provide at least 24 hours notice otherwise a cancellation fee will apply. Psychology appointments are in high demand and providing notice allows us to fill your appointment time with somebody else from our waiting list. If under 24 hours notice is provided, the full appointment fee will be charged.